terça-feira, 20 de julho de 2021

Letter #1 from Erika to Mr. W.

My dearest W.,

I know I haven't been in touch for years. I've cut all tangible connections we may have had ever since you found out what I did, and since I'm now sending you a letter, it is fair that you get an explanation about it, even though it's a short one, since this is not the reason I'm sending you a letter.
I went after them because I needed answers, as much as I don't think any other human mean would bring us justice and peace for what they made us go through. And the answers were all wrong answers, so I assumed the world wouldn't need these rotten people. The only regret I have is that the fear in each of their faces could barely compare to the pain I saw in your eyes that day. Should have made them feel more pain.
Just you know that even though our paths seem excludent, I have always cared for you from afar. I'm sorry if you think I was cruel, but this hunt was what kept me awake when I would rather play dead, and as you grew to your flavorless, simple and lonely life, I grew to like being like this.
The real reason I'm sending you this letter is that I can't care for you anymore. At least, for a while, and it consumes me not to be able to. It seems like destiny likes to threaten us both in the same doom we are both not guilty of.
Can't tell you exactly what happened, but you must be aware you can become a target for some of my kind or even worse. And if you trust me as I did trust you in the past, I didn't mean to involve you in this shit, and I swear over my coffin¹ I'm innocent.
Be you still shocked or not, mad at me or not, still you have to be safe. It's been one month since I've been away, but you have incontestable proof that I don't give up on going after the ones who hurt me. Use this information - and the proof - at your favor. I'm already getting things done my way, but have in mind you're worthier alive and unbothered, and have in mind that anyone who protects you will have my kindness when the moon's light brings truth to the damned.
Answering this letter would be pointless. It will never reach me, since this person doesn't exist. I'm sorry for the trouble, and I'll put you up to date as soon as it's safe.

1. I know you paid me some visits. No other person would leave me a blue narcissus.

With some of the love that remains me,
Whom you've once known by other name.

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